http://farm1.static.flickr.com/79/216918647_d10f18cfbc.jpghttp://cinemaroll.com/cinemarolling/top-hidden-subliminal-messages-in-disney-films/Does Disney mind that their animators include subliminal or hidden messages in their movies?

Walt Disney may not have been too impressed when it first started happening, but having a keen eye for business, he certainly didn’t discourage the practise; anything that got the films talked about had to be good for the bottom line. And now it’s a tradition, people have actually come to expect it, thus broadening the appeal, and therefore market, for the movies.

Can I Make My Own Subliminal Messages?

Heck yes! Disney Subliminal messages have been shown to be useful for loads of things - from quitting smoking, losing weight, gaining confidence, and even improving self esteem. There are loads of subliminal message CDs and the like out there, but we like this software which runs on your computer and flashes up messages that you create yourself, while you surf, work, or read your email!

As you will see subliminal messages have been used right across advertising – no matter what the product – even the slightest subliminal suggestion can have a huge effect.

What are Subliminal Messages?
A subliminal message is a signal or message designed to pass below (sub) the normal limits of perception. For example it might be inaudible to the conscious mind (but audible to the unconscious or deeper mind) or might be an image transmitted briefly and unperceived consciously and yet perceived unconsciously. This definition assumes a division between conscious and unconscious which may be misleading; it may be more true to suggest that the subliminal message (sound or image) is perceived by deeper parts of what is a single integrated mind. 

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