What are subliminal messages? Well, subliminal messages are affirmations that are given just below the threshold of conscious awareness. Subliminal messages are used to program the subconscious mind or influence subconscious behaviour. This means that anything that is deliberately given to you at a subconscious level in order to change your perspective, outlook, behaviour or beliefs are subliminal messages! Simply put subliminal messages are affirmations that are presented to you at a subconscious level. Subconscious messages are statements that bypass your conscious reasoning faculties and seep into the subconscious mind.

Subliminal ads are sold by the millions to people that want to motivate themselves with custom hidden messages. There are subliminal messages in advertisements. There are even in Disney movies so you can make your own custom subliminal message to yourself as you watch your computer each day.

Subliminal Advertisements have been around for years and use little tricks such as embedding images and words into pictures to grab your attention and subconsciously imprint their product into your mind.  In this gallery, we're going to take a look at some of the more bold and - dare we say - unethical uses of this mode of mind control.

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